Saturday, February 20, 2010


I awoke in a bus, or perhaps it was a small airplane. It wasn't crowded, and I couldn't quite tell if I was just a passenger, or perhaps being escorted, or maybe that was a guard. The door opened. Outside, I could see a quiet street - a sign said Park Avenue, but where? I stepped off, and the vehicle moved away, gone - a bus, after all? Walked down the street. Not too noisy, autobolines moving about. Across the street, I see some people clustered around some sort of transport. My eyes narrow: its clearly not of Here. I feel the thing that looks like an umbrella, at my side; I bring it up, reflexively pressing the projecting stud. The vehicle is gone, and the peeps around it. The backthrow has wiped out one of the parked ones, I think the one with the fellow sitting it in reading the paper; sorry about that. I look around; no one has noticed anything odd. I send a sensepod out and can feel a line moving not too far away; I move quickly up this one, find a crossline trolley -- that’s what that thing was! Funny I didn't recognize it -- move to that line, get off. Same crowded street, but not the same; it feels more like home, somehow. I look up; someone is pointing what appears to be an umbrella at me --


STAG said...


Cerulean Bill said...

I was typing in the dark, trying to write 'automobiles', and decided that I liked the way that looked.

Anonymous said...

Very interesting writing. I like that! What an imagination you have!

Cerulean Bill said...

I really have to stop having those anchovy pizzas for dinner.