Friday, February 12, 2010

Blue and White

One of the local sayings is "If God Isn't A Penn State Fan, Why Is The Sky Blue and White?" Well, I'm not a Penn State fan (or any other team), but I've got to say, sitting here in the dining room, looking out over the frozen, snow covered fields, with the light blue sky overhead, that Blue and White are some pretty nice colors.

I just put the trash out. Odds are, the pickup guys won't come until tomorrow, what with losing at least one and possibly two days to the snow. I know those massive trucks get great traction, but I imagine it only takes having one flip over, with all of the hassle and bother and cost that correcting it would involve, to make you a very cautious driver. I just didn't want to take the chance of missing them, whenever they do come. And, hey, it did give me the chance to use the new garage door opener again. I like that new opener. For the last six months, I thought it was the metal wheels on the rails that was making that god-awful screeching sound. First time the installer ran the new one, I thought doesn't it work? I don't hear anything. Nice.

Tonight my sister in law and her family are coming up here to take us out to dinner. More accurately, they're coming to take out my daughter for her birthday, and we get to come along. I didn't really want to -- they're going to a Lebanese restaurant that my daughter likes (this from the kid who isn't even sure she likes spaghetti sauce), and I'm not fond of that cuisine. Or any that doesn't go well with ketchup and barbecue sauce. But my wife said she really wanted me to go, so I'm going. I hear the desserts are very good. And perhaps it will give me the chance to again point out that Lebanese restaurants are rare around here because there are so few Lesbians to staff them.

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