Friday, February 12, 2010


I use Google's Reader to look through RSS feeds. I look through a lot of sites -- so many that every so often I just say the hell with this and tell it to dump all of the current entries. Usually, that's when it says that I have over a thousand new entries available. No way on god's green earth I'll get through that, or even through the ones that I want to read. The Miscellaneous folder? Forget it.

So, slowly, I've started Unsubscribing. Usually, it's to people's personal blogs, when I've either lost interest in what they have to say, or when, despite having commented on their site two or three times, I've not heard anything back from them. Don't get me wrong: I'm not a fan of the I commented on your site so you have to comment on my site. I think that's silly. On the other hand, if I've been there more than once or twice, found enough to like that I commented on it, and never got anything back, I think well, maybe there isn't as much in common as I thought there might be.

So I unsubscribe. So far, the hordes of people demanding that I resubscribe have been: manageable.


Anonymous said...

I completely lost all of my "sites" when my old laptop died.. so I had to go by memory to find some, and I discovered new ones as well. I have filled up folder after folder of addresses.. your blog is at the top of the list in "daily reads"!

Cerulean Bill said...

Really? You must have a very short list....(g)

Seriously, thank you. That's quite kind of you.

STAG said...

Hey, wait a minute....when was the last time....

Oh never mind....

Cerulean Bill said...

No, you haven't gotten rid of me yet.

Anonymous said...

over a hundred web links in my list.. I'm still reading daily! It's good to see someone random like me.. I write about whatever I see or think about or pisses me off. You've got an interesting read going. Thank you for sharing!

Cerulean Bill said...

I just like reading about stray stuff. Some things, I'd always read; some, a litte goes a long way. If it's possible to be both a lazy and a voracious reader, I am.