Monday, April 02, 2007


There is a point in a professional fight where the additional blows to the opponent are increasingly less effective in removal of cognitive ability, because by then the opponent isn't 'thinking' any more. He's so battered, he's running on instinct and impulse. Such as me, at the moment. Turns out that I was wrong when I said that the local dentist's share in this dental fandango would be less than the surgeon's.

Here's a clue. When a dentist uses the words 'custom-made' and 'titanium' to describe something large he's planning on putting in your mouth, and mentioned that he's divorced (again)...this is going to be an expensive conversation.


genderist said...

You'll be like an X-Man with all that hardware in your mouth!!

Cerulean Bill said...

I told my wife that if I die before her, she should have the titanium extracted from my mouth and use it to pay for the funeral.

African Kelli said...

Was he describing the new custom-made titanium golf club you'd be purchasing for him with this new procedure?
Bummer Bill. But yay for healthy teeth!

Cerulean Bill said...

Healthy as you can be when it will be completely artificial from the gums out -- which of course means, no decay problems whatsoever. I don't think thats quite worth it...but its close.