Monday, April 16, 2007


Let's hear it for unregulated gun

So long as this kind of violence is possible, gun advocates have no case for leaving guns unregulated and uncontrolled.

None whatsoever.

And the people who do it? They are the worst kind of filthy scum.


Sweeti said...

My problem with gun regulations and gun control is that people that want guns for mass killing type situations will still get them. People that would comply and abide then are left being the ones that have little or no protection.
I personally plan to apply for a concealed weapons permit just for a deterrent if needed, I'll take all the classes and pay all the fees and shoot if my or a family members life is threatened by a thug in my presence without reservation.

Guns restriction in my book is not the answer, Maybe gun types to a certain degree. I never want be unarmed though, Many crimes have been simply avoided by just the show of a gun and we never hear much about them.

Now, to this awful shooting, I don't know the answer here. It's horrible, and if it was avoidable I'm sure it would have been stopped. It's the worst feeling not to be able to control sick people and avoid all of this.

They are filthy rotten scum!

Cerulean Bill said...

If I knew that I could save one innocent life by inconveniencing ten thousand people with legitimate needs or desires for gun ownership -- hunters, collectors, self-protection -- I would do it. I do not know that -- but I don't think its an unreasonable request. Unfortunately, the NRA leadership does.

I do not accept "they'll get guns anyway" as a reason to fail to do all that I can to keep this kind of tragedy from occurring. Yes, they WILL get guns, and some of them will use guns registered to them. But, by god, it'll be harder for them to get, and they'll have gone through more scrutiny to get them. That won't stop those who got the guns because they stole them or acquired them illegally... but it'll make a dent in the problem.

We can't wait for a perfect solution. Our streets and schools run with the blood of the innocent, thanks to our unwillingness to take steps against this scourge.

Good god, we license cars because they're lethal. Why not guns?

Rach said...

I'm not sure how the gun laws work in the USA, but here, you have to register all firearms. This just came into existance tho, and there are people that are resisting it. However .. handguns are harder to get, have MUCH stricter regulations then just the average rifle.
My hubby's a hunter, so I must defend those that want rifles for that. The average handgun tho .. totally not necessary. A baseball bat would work just as well, for protection.

I do have to believe what Sweeti said, in that those that are using them in the way that lands up on the news, will get them no matter what. It is those people that give the people that are doing it by the books, a bad name and firearms a bad rep. Yes a gun is lethal, and most definetly should be registered and the bearer, licensed .. it's the law, period!

Cerulean Bill said...

At one time, you could buy narcotics legally. Now you can't. We've learned the danger of having it freely accessible. Its now available, but controlled.

I cannot imagine the magnitude of the tragedy that would bring us to the same conclusion about personal weapon ownership. Perhaps there IS no tragedy great enough -- as long as it's someone else's kids, someone else's family, someone else's city.

I would imagine its time for each side to trot out their version of the bedbug letter, once again.

One. More. Time.