Sunday, April 02, 2006

Timing is Everything

So here I am at 3:50 (new time). I have been wating for fifteen minutes on the phone line they gave in the email. You know, the one with the words "Here are the final meeting minutes...our timeline is inscluded with the phone line information as well...Please plan to call in at 02:30 AM" ...Nobody there. Very strange.

So I see someone on the instant message system and ask 'what number are they using?'

And the answer is, a different number.


Oksy, people make mistakes like that all the time. But when you're rousting people out of bed in the middle of the night...not to mention, the one of two nights a year that you're changing clock times.... you'd think there'd be a little extra care, a little extra precision.

You'd think.


Rach said...

They set a meeting for that ungodly hour? Nuts! Sorry they mucked things up on you.

Cerulean Bill said...

One of the delights of my job is that I can frequently do it from home. Working in your pajamas has much to commend it, as any SAHM knows. But one of the pains of the same job is that we schedule big changes for when the customer is least likely to be affected by it. Hence, oh-dark-thirty.

Could have been worse. I got some reading done. Bought some old mystery novels from the local college's book fair, and am reading a Rex Stout short story. (I do truly love Rex Stout).