Wednesday, April 26, 2006

Day Three

Wednesday is the pivotal day. The week's chugging along, but the end is not in sight.

I had thought it might be in sight for a problem I've had for quite some time with a software product I'm installing. Yesterday, I had an insight which panned out, so that I found that the problem was actually two problems. I fixed one, and the system seemed to like it -- it still didn't work, but I got further along in the process than I expected. Tomorrow, for sure, I thought. no. In fact, seriously no. The change and my PC did not get along, so much so that I had to reboot five times (each reboot taking about fifteen minutes). I found what was nailing me, but not why. So I'm not quite as far along as I had thought I would be. On the other hand, I learned a little bit about using Safe Mode on a W2K PC.

On the bright side, I got a response from the company to whom, in a snit, I sent my resume, and they want to talk. My immediate reaction is What? Change? No, No, NO!!! I like it here! Well, actually, I do-- except when I don't. So though the odds are that I won't take employment with them -- should I mention that I want to work from home most of the time, only emerging to jet off to interesting places every couple of months? And should I mention that making more money is desirable, too? Well, that was a short phone call -- I will at least get back in touch with them. I'm nervous, but kind of tickled.

And tomorrow, we're having ice cream at the office. Guess who's idea that was?


STAG said...

Found a tricky snag a few months ago, not sure if I told you about it.....seems I had somehow got Gatr (the spyware!) on my 'puter. (No, it wasn't me!!!!) When I finally scrubbed it out, the 'puter would not boot. Yet it would boot in safe mode.
the problem should not have taken 4 days to find. Seems a cute little "dilbert" mouse cursor was not only the hook to download the spy/adware, but was set to be the default cursor. When I scrubbed the adware, I also scrubbed the cute little cursor, and the puter kept trying to find it during the boot and failing.
Fix....reset the default setting for the mouse cursor. What a nasty trick to play on somebody who was just using a "free" cursor download!

STAG said...

Oh, and Bill, you gotta try my oatmeal cookie home made ice cream. Guaranteed to add an inch to your hips with every bowlful.

Cerulean Bill said...

That is the damnedest thing I've heard for a while. A dilbert cursor as the vehicle for polluting a computer -- though there is a certain logic in it, I think it stinks.

As the the ice cream, no thanks. We (I) way overbought the ice cream for work -- I endedup with two extra gallons in my freezer and about four in a freezer at work. Enough to keep us stocked till mid summer, I do believe.