Sunday, April 23, 2006

Breaking On Through

I normally like quiet music. Oh, sometimes -- as when I want to drown out competing sounds at the office -- I'll play something loud, usually the soundtrack from Top Gun, but usually I'm a quiet music kind of person. No great philosophy behind it. There's music that sounds good when its played loud, and I like some of it, but mostly, the music we like is played quietly. We have about fifty CDs, of which we play about five a month -- we put one in the player and it'll stay there until one of us says Okay, thats enough Diana Krall for a while, let's find something else. But at the moment, something a little different is playing. It's Break On Through, from The Doors.

The reason is that about twenty minutes ago I told my wife that this morning I'm feeling a little old. Partially, it's the weather -- cold and dismal, with rain threatening. Yesterday, it rained (what rained?) pretty much all day, including the hour we spent in a line inching forward to a computer and electronics recycling event. Today, I feel a little stiff, and, to add to the angst, I notice that occasionally, when I close my mouth, I can feel one of the two bridges that I have in there creaking, just a bit. It's not major, and I'm sure its not audible to anyone else -- now that would be interesting, in a scary way -- but it reminds me of my teeth, which reminds me that I have an appointment to go back to the dentist's office where I got so ticked, about two months ago. I've been having an internal debate on whether I should go, or whether I should a) never go again, relying just on the general dentist, or b) find a different periodontist, with one of the major search criteria being 'they don't make me feel guilty, even if I am'. I need someone who will give me forceful but gentle prodding -- enough to feel impelled to action, not so much that I go into a funk and shut down in a spasm of denial.

So all of this is making me feel old. And then I got a response to an earlier post -- the one with the RFI -- from a very nice gentleman who pointed out that what I was whimsically asking for did essentially exist now -- not the email part, but the phone to text part. I was startled by the information (not to mention, that the response came from someone in Oslo; I intellectually know that the net renders distance immaterial, but still! Oslo ! Wow ! There is one person who occasionally comments here, and who is from Norway, but somehow that's different -- I found their page first, so somehow (don't ask me to explain this) they're not far away -- but this one is out of the blue, and therefore 'from far away'. From Oslo! ) and so I went to the fellow's blog site to see who this person was that gave me this neat and nifty information. Turns out he's almost my age, and he describes himself this way: " A creative, enthusiastic, self motivated CEO with extensive experience in networking." And I thought, hot damn. This guy is almost my age, and he clearly has a focused, dynamic attitude. Maybe not every day, maybe not all the time, but still -- look at that! That is so cool.

And I thought "I'm not old, so why am I focusing on it this morning?" I need a distraction.

The Doors handle that quite nicely.


Rach said...

Look at you, making a positive out of a negative. Who knew that a little post from a stranger could change ones entire day. The Doors rock, by the way!

Cerulean Bill said...

They totally, absolutely do.

Thats twice my mood was altered positively in a week. Wouldn't it be nice if this were a trend?

I'm glad your ickiness was a short-lived phenomena.