Saturday, September 18, 2010

Are You Kidding Me?

My daughter just realized that we're serious about the number of hours she has to practice to get her driver's license.

And we're serious about driving being a privilege, not a right.

And we're serious about not giving her one of our cars.

So that was her reaction. Including stepping on the gas instead of the brake while responding as she came up the driveway. Fortunately, she didn't hit anything. But you can imagine what it did to our resolve.


genderist said...

Eek! Bless her heart...

and your heart for taking her for a drive!!

Cerulean Bill said...

We push the idea of getting driving experience...while simultaneously dragging our feet on the idea that this implies she'll be able to just take the car...

By the time your daughter is old enough, perhaps all this will be simpler...