Thursday, September 16, 2010

Small Pleasures

Sometimes, we take pleasure from the smallest things.

Our refrigerator has two large drawer compartments at the bottom, and a smaller one above. Ever since we got it, and even with the older one, we've kept butter and coffee in one of the large compartments, and meats and cheeses in the shallow one. That's just where that stuff's supposed to be. A few weeks ago, I was thinking about how the shallow one is always crammed, and the big one, not so much.

So I switched their contents. Butter and coffee in the shallow one. Meats and cheeses in the bigger one.

And now, every time I pull out the shallow one, or the big one, and I see it nicely filled, not crammed, not barely used, I think Good Idea.

And I'm pleased.

1 comment:

Wendster said...

Is this one of those "we set the bit" moments?


How clever of you to see the need and how flexible of you to be willing to implement the change. :)