Tuesday, September 07, 2010


Could this humorous luggage identification sticker be a possible "serious violation of the aeronautics act", as a spokeman for Canadian Transport Minister John Baird says?

I think not - but I have to admit, part of that is pure orneriness at the Security People. They never miss an opportunity to clamp down on anything that reeks of individuality, freedom, or humor.


genderist said...

I was so thankful to have a easy way through security both ways this past weekend. Whew.

Cerulean Bill said...

I can almost accept the security theater -- but there's always the sense of Maybe this is the time they get snarky, their scanner is set to Ultra High, whatever....

I know, we need them. But they tend to forget why.

Tabor said...

I was listening to NPR yesterday and they were saying that customs are given total freedom to confiscate without cause including your laptop. One guy was deprived of his laptop for 11 days while they perused its contents!!! (And yes I did discuss politely with two gay guys why I needed it more than they.)

Cerulean Bill said...

I heard about that laptop thing. One web site recommended storing your data in encrypted format on the web so that the feds could not read it. Our government is turning us into - what, proto-criminals?

I'm not sure that I could ever make a case as to why I needed something more than someone else. I understand that Hyman Rickover once asked a nuke sub candidate if he could convince someone to give up his place in a lifeboat. When the candidate said yes, Rickover brought in another officer, sat him down, pointed, and said "Convince him."

STAG said...

Gauche, tasteless, and that's just John Baird.