Tuesday, September 14, 2010


I have now officially entered the doddering stage.

For some time, I have had a pair of reading glasses on the dining room table. I read while I eat, you see.

But today, while I was trying to read a battery while I was out, I flat could not make out the small print. In bright light.

So now, I have a pair of reading glasses in the car, too.

Dodder Daddy, that's me.


Unknown said...

I carry my reading glasses wherever I go. Unless I take the case and not the glasses... :-)

Cerulean Bill said...

We have a phrase -- you're likely familiar with it -- to indicate that we knew we were supposed to take an action, and we did. Or thought we did -- we actually did something that satisfied the sense of 'something to be done', even if it wasn't the right something. We call it 'we set the bit'. Got it from IBM. Very useful.

Wendster said...

I carry my reading glasses EVERYWHERE now.

I can't read my shampoo bottles to find out whether they are shampoo or conditioner bottles!

Whose idea was it to print in WHITE on CLEAR bottles?????


Set the bit, huh? Hmmmmmm Now how do I use that in a sentence? I have never heard that phrase before.

Cerulean Bill said...

Well, you have to be a geek... and these days, geeks don't usually think in bits unless they're mainframe geeks...which are a dying breed.