Monday, September 06, 2010

Le Docteur Zero

I found a website called Doctor Zero. Catchy name. The doc's opinions are of the Sarah Palin variety. I thought it might be an interesting exercise to see if I could pick out the facts, as distinct from bluster and bombast, in what he says.

President Obama “unveiled” his new “stimulus” plan in Wisconsin today.

State governments are still sitting on hundreds of billions in unspent money from the first massive “stimulus” plan.

That's it. The rest is scorn, derogatory statements, and expressions of disbelief. No clear statements. No proof of better ideas. No thought, at all.

That's the Tea Party, in action. Excellence in Bombast. Lies, Distortions, and Obliviousness A Specialty.

And yet....people believe this idiocy. March in support of it. Give it money. They don't seem to care that there aren't any ideas, let alone any hope or optimism, at the core. They simply want .... well, I'm not sure what they want. But I think it looks like the 1950s. Limited government. Limited social services. Let the buyer beware. You get hurt? Tough. Social justice? No one's going to help you. Die, if you want.

And the scary part is, they're getting it. Their organized political neanderthalism is gaining adherents. And you can't talk to them, because they have their own facts, and they simply won't accept anyone else's. Fingers-in-the-ears, that's how they listen.

I'm tired of trying to understand them. We have two months left to save our country from them (and oh how I'd like to save just those I agree with, as they would), and I'm tired of voting for moderate Democrats, too. Firebrands, once again, are looking appealing to me.

Don't retort - reload. Sound familiar?


Tabor said...

I think my husband is beginning to get an ulcer from the stupidity of many citizens. They may get what they deserve.

Cerulean Bill said...

I wouldn't mind that one little bit. Problem is, everyone else gets what the stupid deserve, too.