Thursday, December 31, 2009

What I Did on my Christmas Vacation

Cell Membrane (plasma membrane) - encloses the cell, separating interior (cytoplasm) from surroundings; regulates access
Cell Theory - All living things made of Cells; Cells are the basic unit of structure and function in organisms; Cells come from other cells
Cell Wall - membrane that surrounds, supports, protects plant cell. Does NOT restrict movement across membrane.
central vacuole-large membrane-bound space inside a plant cell;stores water, waste, other materials. When full, cell becomes rigid.
chloroplasts - organelle that uses light energy to make carbodydrates from carbon dioxide and water
Chromosomes -structure made of DNA and associated proteins on which genes are located
cilium - short hairlike structure protruding from cell surface; enable movement of cell or substances across the cell
Compound Lens M’scopes do not use more than 2 lenses b/c cannot resolve images that are closer together than a few hundred nanometers
Compound Lens Microscope - microscope that uses two lenses
Cytoskeleton - microscopic fibers supporting cytoplasm’s structure
Electron Microscope - beam of electrons in a vacuum create image of a specimen
Electron microscopes and their specimens are in a vacuum so that the electron beam does not bounce off air (gas) molecules
endoplasmic reticulum - cell membranes in the cytoplasm that transport substances through the cell; made of lipid bilayers
Eukarote - organism whose cells have a nucleus enclosed by a membrane
flagellum - long threadlike structure protruding from cell surface; enable movement
genes - section of a chromosome that codes for a protein or RNA molecule
golgi body (apparatus) - organelle that packages and distributes molecules produced by a eukaryotic cell
Light Microscope - light passes through lens to create enlarged image of a specimen
lipid bilayer-double layer arrangement of phospholipids; contains proteins kept in place by polarity
lysosome - small spherical organelle in a eukaryotic cell that contains digestive enzymes
Magnification - ability to make an image larger than the original specimen
Marker proteins - help other cells recognize their cell type - ie, liver, heart
microfilaments - extremely thin protein strands supporting cytoplasm
micrograph - image produced by a microscope
microtubule - long, hollow tube supporting cytoplasm
mitochrondria - organelle that harvests energy from organic compounds to make much of the ATP made by a eukarotic cell
Nuclear Envelope - surrounds the nucleus; made of two lipid bilayers
Nuclear Pores - paths through the nuclear envelope
nucleus - organelle that houses the DNA of eukaryotic cells
Organelles -structure in eukaryotic cells that has a specialized function
phospholipid - lipid made of a phosphate group and two fatty acids
Prokaryote - single-celled organism w/o nucleus and other internal components; lack of structure means contents can move around
protein - organic compound made of amino acids
Receptor proteins - recognize and bind to specific substances outside of the cell
Resolution - measure of the clarity of an image
ribosome - organelle on which proteins are made
Rough ER - part of endoplasmic reticulum w/attached ribosomes - appears rough when viewed w/electron microscope
SCM - scanning tunneling microscope - needle probe, allows individual atoms to be viewed
SEM functioning: electron beam is directed at specimen coated with metal, creating 3D fluorescent images of the specimen
SEM, TEM - Scanning Electron Micrograph, Transmission Electron Micrograph
Small cells are better than big ones because small cells have higher surface/volume ratio; hence, faster transit time inside cell
TEM functioning: electron beam is directed at a thin specimen slice stained with metal ions to display specimen’s internal structure
Vesicle - small membrane-bound sac that transports substances in cells

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