Friday, December 11, 2009


My daughter discovered that ranting about how an organization is run, on Facebook, is not a good idea if the organization in question is a 'friend' of yours, such that the director of the organization can see the post.


Tabor said...

Better she learns this now rather than later when it will impact her job or marriage or relationship with in-laws!!!

Cerulean Bill said...

Oh, yeah. As I said to her, "You know what Mom would say if you told her, right?" She nodded, glumly.

Unknown said...

Did you see this: Funniest Facebook Snafu's?

Facebook can be a dangerous place! (I've had a few screw ups on it!) I often think it should come with instructions. The Facebook equivalent of the etiquette we all (often painfully) learn as kids and teens!

Cerulean Bill said...

At the least, it should have an optional switch: If you post, the following people will be able to read it.....

Incidentally, she's since blocked the group that the director is part of. Smart, if belated.