Monday, April 15, 2013


About twice a month, usually around the middle, I get notices from the New York Times.

This is your last free article for this month. Consider subscribing... and I usually do.  I think about how I do enjoy reading the articles there, and I think surely a couple of bucks a month would not be too much?  Sure, let's do that.

Then I find out that the Times thinks twenty bucks a month would be about right.  And I think Twenty bucks? Are you guys crazy?  $240 a year? Five bucks a month would be a bit high....but twenty?  No way. 

And I resign myself to not being able to read the pay articles on their site until next month.


Vajra said...

I subscribe to the print version which includes unlimited online use. In my mind it's worth it despite the expense.

Cerulean Bill said...

What makes it worth it to you? Not disagreeing, just curious....

Vajra said...

I need to read a paper. It started when I was a tiny little girl. My grandparents subscribed to two newspapers. In the morning before anyone else was up, my grandfather would make coffee and then read the morning paper. He would put coffee and sugar in my mug of milk and we would read together. He would tell me about stuff in the paper. Precious memory.

Plus, I'm a news junky. And our local paper sucks.