Monday, April 19, 2010

Note From Todd

I got a nice little note from Todd Platts, my district's delegate to the House of Representatives, in response to my call to his office urging him to vote for the Health Care Bill. He said "Bite me."

Okay, not in so many words. He's a nice guy, and he is a politician, so Every Vote Counts, though, since I'm a Democrat in a heavily Republican area, Not So Much. But when I opened up the two page note (franked for free, of course), the first phrase that struck me was "..should have enacted a reasonable health care bill....", at which point, I uttered an Anglo-Saxon word of praise and put the letter down. I actually do intend to read it, though I may scrounge through the cupboards and refrigerator for something alcoholic, I mean, sedative-like, before I do. Because if stupid people can have decent ideas, then it's not out of the question for a politician, even a Republican politician, to have one. Damned unlikely, but possible.

I wonder if its time to switch back to the Republican party, just so I can vote against this joker in the primaries?


genderist said...

nonono! It's not worth it. :)

Cerulean Bill said...

I had a response, then realized you were probably talking about the 'switch to Republican'.

I know my impact would be minimal, but as a Democrat in central Pennsylvania, it's even less. Who I vote AGAINST as a Republican might help marginally more than who I'd vote FOR as a Democrat.

But I probably won't switch. It might screw up this Judge of Elections gig I do -- specifically, who has to sign things with me (it has to be the party that I'm NOT in).