Friday, April 02, 2010


I'm in a better mood today than yesterday. A large part of it is that I had a much better morning blood sugar number than I've had for a while. Last night, I told my wife that I was going to take a gihugic amount of insulin before going to sleep, enough so that there was a good possibility of crashing during the night. And, indeed, I did have a very low number at around midnight. I wasn't a space cadet, but it was right down there. But I ate a cookie and went back to bed. Then I got up around 3, did a reading, and it was okay - so I had another cookie (hey, I told you those peanut butter cookies were okay), and slept till around 630, when I looked again, and it was decent again. Now, this isn't how I want things to be -- spacing out in the middle of the night isn't fun, and when you spaz out, its even less fun -- but if this is what I have to do for a while to get things where I want them to be, then that's what I'll do.

I just came across a web page advertising water fountains, and it was tagged in StumbleUpon as 'Home Improvement'. Occasionally, I wonder what it's like to live in a very wealthy person's home -- Bill Gates', say. Do they have water fountains? Let alone the idea that they could have hot and cold running water in the dogs personal sauna, do they? I remember being in Air Force basic training, doing the standard grousing about having the clean the communal bathroom, when one of the people there observed that we ought not to use the urinals, which would leave one (actually, three) less things to clean. "After all", he pointed out, "you don't have those at home, so what's the big deal?" Well, outside of the fact that at home you didn't have twenty five other people all of whom wanted to use the facilities at roughly the same time, it did make sense. Does Gates have urinals in his home? (No, he has people who excrete for him.)

Okay, time to cook breakfast. Anyone for French Toast?


Water Fountains Direct said...

Thanks for linking to my water fountain site :)

Great blog!

Cerulean Bill said...

My pleasure. Your material made my mouth water -- no pun intended.