Sunday, November 27, 2005

Page that Pager

Pagers can vibrate, or they can make sounds.

You put it on vibrate when you don't want to disturb others when it goes off. You put it on sound when you don't think you'll be able to notice the vibration.

I wear mine set to sound because if I lose it -- mine's one of the dinky little numeric-only ones, just made to slip behind a seat cushion -- there is no way I'll find it, because you can't hear the vibration more than a couple of feet away, and that only if its sitting on a hard surface. I once lost one under a hospital bed cushion and damned near caused the person looking for it to have a heart attack -- she lifted the cushion, saw it, reached for it, and it started buzzing angrily like it was about to attack. Lucky she didn't grab it and heave it straight into the closest Sharps.

So here's a thought.

How about a 'special' page function that will switch the pager over to 'find-me audible mode'? That way, you can keep it on vibrate, but if you lose the silly thing, you can force it to make helpful little chirping sounds that you have a chance of hearing.

And maybe if they wanted to be really helpful, it'd play recorded messages, like 'Hey, dummy, over here! One two three four five. One two three four five. Hey, dummy, over here!


Nan said...

I have to keep mine on ring. It's the only way I can find my purse.

Cerulean Bill said...

Now thats an innovative use for one...