Sunday, November 27, 2005


I came across the name of an organization today that just sounded 'friendly' to me.

The organization is the Center for Neighborhood Technology.

I thought wow, these folks probably talk about things like keeping traffic moving in congested areas with smart traffic lights and lane-usage monitors, implementing community-level Local Area Networks, setting up communications infrastructures for area-wide hot spots, building homes which use innovative technologies (both in the building and in the use; for example, using grey water to irrigate the plants; using plate heaters to heat the water).

Turns out I was a little right and mostly wrong. What they really are is an organization dedicated to making cities more livable, more energy-efficient, and less polluting. No LAN tips here, no communication infrastructures. Nothing about traffic flow, though there was some info on the hidden costs of 'free' parking. And nothing about the nearest hot spot.

But, for all of that, they seem like a decent bunch of folks.


Tabor said...

Sounds like they could use a geek or two and expand their usefulness.

Cerulean Bill said...

Not me, much as I'd like to. That would be cool, I think.