Sunday, February 13, 2005

This is not my fault

...and if it turns out that I find myself humming the theme to Raiders of the Lost Ark in church today, that's not my fault, either.

So three women are looking for a job, and the first takes the interview, at the end of which, the interviewer says "Okay, quickly -- how many Ds in Indiana Jones?" To which she astutely replies "One, of course". The interview nods, says 'We'll be in touch", and sends her on her way.

A second woman comes in, does well on the interview, too , at the end of which, the interviewer says "Okay, tell me now -- how many Ds in Indiana Jones?" To which she quickly replies "One, of course". The interview nods, says 'We'll be in touch", and sends her on her way.

And the third comes in, makes it through the interview, then is asked the same quick question. She hums, thinks intently, pulls out a scratch pad, starts making notes, and after a couple of minutes says confidently "Sixteen!" Astonished, the interviewer says "How did you get that number?"

And the third woman replies "Dah dah DAH dah, dah dah dah, dah dah DAH DAH, dah dah dah dah dah...."

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