Tuesday, February 15, 2005

Some various thoughts --

Carly Fiorina is walking away from HP with 45 million dollars in cash and options. Greed isn't dead. I'm sure that she didn't take the job just for the money, but clearly boards don't yet feel they need to hold their fired CEOs to the same financial standards as their fired grunt employees.

Bush is pushing electronic health records. The concept makes sense. It promotes accountability and decrease repetition of data entry. Its a major inconvenience for doctors, who dislike change as a rule (sometimes with good reason), as they have to pick which of multiple competing styles of EHRs would work for them, and then have their existing records converted, but some are coming around.

Amazing news -- apparently, the people firing mortars and such in Iraq haven't decided to live peaceably, now that the election is done. Who would have thought it? And I see where Hamas says it doesn't feel bound by any governmental plans. Hard to question that one, as they, and similar organizations, have never been bound by governmental stricture. Does lead you to wonder though: whats the critical mass (and of what) where government replaces anarchy? I was reading in my terrorism book last night about the idea that there can be an acceptable level of terroristic activity, which government does not feel compelled to stomp out because it would lead to greater terroristic activity.... don't think I can buy that but I am not at all sure. Which is, of course, why I'm forcing myself to read an inherently unpleasant book.

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