Monday, February 28, 2005

Money? Don't Need It, Thanks

I was just leafing through some of the web sites that I've bookmarked over the years. Why doesn't IE show the links I don't use? This site has not been visited in xxx days; Keep/Delete? Or perhaps a batch job that chugs once a month? These bookmarks have been moved to the Inactive File. And why isn't there a function to run down the remainder every so often, just checking for 4o4s? The sites pointed to by these bookmarks are invalid or no longer exist; Keep/Delete?). How hard could it be?

I digress.

I came across the bookmark for the web site for the American Medical Writers Association, a group that I'd briefly thought of joining (deterred only by not being in the medical or allied fields, and not being a professional writer). Coming to the site again, I thought again -- gee, that would be fun to do. Wish I could. I'd even do it for free, just for the pleasure of the experience.

I realized with some surprise that it was true. I would do it for free.

Realizing that you are at a point where you don't have to think seriously about money as a reason to do something is an interesting experience.

Following that up immediately with the realization that its a moot point, because no one's going to hire you just so you can do something for the fun of it is another one -- though not quite so pleasant.

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