Tuesday, January 11, 2005


This deal with Brad Pitt and Jennifer Aniston has gotten enough play that even I've noticed it -- and I can go for years without knowing who the current hot items are. So here's my take.

They were married for, what, seven years?

They're more well known by a factor of, what, ten times that of a normal person?

So, doesn't that equate to being effectively married for seventy years without muss or fuss?

What's so amazing shouldn't be that they split up -- it should be that they lasted that long under the glaring spotlight of gasping columnists and obsessed fan junkies.

Mathematically speaking, anyway.


Angie said...

Ah, but how much of those seven years did they actually spend together and not on separate continents filming crappy sequels and movies to showcase Brad's tanned and sweaty body?

Cerulean Bill said...

Angie, please -- I just finished dinner. I don't want to think about Brad's tanned and sweaty anything. If I had to think about anything that was tanned and sweaty, I'd think about -- no, I won't go there; I'll be nice.

Crappy sequels? You've seen Oceans Twelve? I have not, but I'm reluctant to do so. I really like that 'sinking the safe' sequence in the first one, and it would be tough to top it, even with the 'then a miracle occurs' groaner that they used as a closer in the first, when the casino owner mentions that oh yes, they just happened to have had the casino name put on the floor of the vault, just a few days ago. Yeah, right. Phooey.

I don't care what happens to B&J; I just don't want to have to hear about it. Is that too insular of me?