Tuesday, November 27, 2007


Sleeping is a wonderful thing.

Sleeping in a room where you have a monitor running, so that you can hear if a certain little old lady needs help, and instead get to hear every time the little old lady gets up in the middle of the night, rattling past the monitor with her walker, is -- well, it leads to interesting dreams.

I was somewhere in Western Canada, looking for a large city so I could find out if the people who'd hired me actually were a real company. On the train, I met two cute little girls and their brother, all of whom lived in the same brownstone in Mucu (I waved goodbye from the train as it pulled up their street). It then became a tugboat in a very large water filled room, and everyone else got off, splashing away in the knee deep water.

Ah hah.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

I love bizarre dreams. It is always interesting that things can drastically change (like going from a train to a tugboat) yet we really don't take notice of the drastic change.
I had a strange dream last night that I was watching a program on the "The Paradox of Little Sullivan and His Brother" (which does not exist as far as I know hah) and somehow I was then in the story and it kept jumping around in time. These deaths kept occurring in this house and somehow they were all connected through time so thats why it kept skipping around, strange stuff.