Thursday, November 15, 2007


That stands for Disaster Recovery Activity; its the actions you take to ensure, as best you can, that your computer operation will survive a catastrophe. It incorporates low-level, routine actions, such as data back up, all the way up to 'The data center blew up, what do we do now?' Disaster Recover drills find problems, but they don't find all problems; nor do they find problems like 'Well, what if A happens, and before we get that fixed, B happens?' Objectively, they should; subjectively, they don't, and won't unless you're willing to staff a really big organization to think about it.

Here's an interesting example of the response to an actual disaster by a Dallas-based hosting organization. You can see that they're trying very hard to be honest, while still trying very hard to say 'Everything's Under Control' and 'No Way Could We Have Foreseen THIS!' Its not funny, but, if you're interested in this sort of thing, it's instructive.

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