Thursday, November 15, 2007


Okay, this isn't my usual stuff. But in my defense, I was snared because it's from The Age, the Melbourne, Australia newspaper, and you know how I feel about that city. You'd think I was the original party animal when I was there, I go on about it so much, when in fact most nights I spent alone in my room at the hotel, and only occasionally making a brave excursion out to the bookstore or that place that sold the great tiramisu, in Carlton or Fitzroy, someplace like that. Of course, thinking 'Carlton' makes me think of that great FlashBeer ad, which can still make me smile. But...but I really love Beer, sir!


This article is about the poet Sappho. Hot diggety, guys think, Sappho, lesbianism, yum! You remember that quote that I like apropos that from the Mad About You series. And thats still true. What's not to like?

But this article is about the poet, not the sex. And I'm impressed (says the guy whose idea of poetry usually starts with something like There Once Was A Girl From Nantucket). It's powerful:

Desire has shaken my mind

As wind through the mountain forests

Roars through trees.

My goodness.

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