Thursday, October 13, 2011


I just came across this, on Amazon, in the reviews for Complete Guide to Conjugating 12000 French Verbs (English Edition):

"What other book is so compact yet so complete? what other book can be so complete as to let you know that when you use verb/subject inversion (to form a question) for indicative present tense regular "-er" verbs, you need to add an "é" (but pronounce as "è") for the 1st person singular (je)? Example:

I love you = "Je t'aime"
Do I love you? = "T'aimé-je?" and NOT "T'aime-je"

This is the best!"

The book is $17, I wouldn't use it all that much, I want to spend less -- and yet -- I'm considering it.

French has infected me.


Anonymous said...

Once infected, look out.

Cerulean Bill said...
