Saturday, October 08, 2011


Found here.


STAG said...

Wonder if they made the capstan that size on purpose so you could spin them like that with a standard pencil. Or was it just a nice co-inky-dink?

Cerulean Bill said...

Well, James Burke would likely say it's because the tape had to move at a given rate, which was determined by the most common spindle size, which was determined by the spindle-makers guild, whose production was driven by the thickness of a spindle used to thresh wheat.

Wendster said...

You know some interesting stuff, Bill. The spindle makers guild?


I know the thing about rewinding the tape with the pencil ... also taking up all of that slack when the stupid reels unwind themselves! What a pain in the butt that was.

Cerulean Bill said...

I - um - made that up. Its a reference to the classic - why are the railroad tracks the width they are? Because thats the width of an oxcart - series of observations that he did make.