Saturday, October 01, 2011


This year, my daughter's a senior. Final year. Next year, college, which means SAT and ACT tests this year. Today, she's taking the SAT. She'll be taking it multiple times.

Tonight, the color guard is performing their 'home show', which is a competiton for everyone else, and a demonstration for the people hosting the competition. This is my daughter's final home show. It's kind of a big deal for her.

Two days ago, the woman leading color guard said that if my daughter was not at practice this morning, she could not perform tonight. My wife asked the woman if she really said that, and she replied "Yes, that's my rule." My wife is furious.She told me that if our daughter doesn't perform tonight, in whole or in part, she'll drop out of the sewing support group for color guard. I agreed.But she needs to raise a stink,too. That woman's been an egotistical martinet for years who pays lip service to 'school work' but demands tons of time every week. Literally fifteen to twenty hours, every week. Every year my wife notes this and says Should I complain? But she never does. Might rebound on the kiddo, you see. This is the last year. I think my wife should send a flaming letter to the involved parties -- the woman, the band director, and others. She's not sure.

Update: My wife saw that our daughter was practicing with the group this afternoon, so she carefully asked if she'd be performing tonight. Our daughter shrugged and said that she hadn't been told she couldn' she was going to do it unless someone explicitly said that she couldn't.

Smart kid.

Still later: turned out to be a moot point. She did perform, and no one said anything. But the performance was on a miserable rainy night, and no one in the group thought they did well. (One kid, from a different group, actually got a wet flag plastered to her face during the performance.) So she did it, and she's happy about that, but not about the quality of the performance.


STAG said...

Just be glad Varsity Inc has not got into the colour guard game.

Or have they?

And for the original blast against VarsityInc, check out Penn and Teller's "Bullshit".

Cerulean Bill said...

I tend not to watch P&T when they are decrying the evils of the world. I think that they're pompous and self-righteous.

But as for the rest - only a matter of time till shrinking budgets mean that the kids wave flags with corporate logos on them.