Sunday, October 17, 2010


It's not entirely a surprise, but: when your child is ill, and you need to take them to a doc-in-the-box to get a quick professional assessment, it's still scary, no matter that they're in their mid teens, and its been years since you thought of them as vulnerable.

In this case, she hit her head yesterday, and today she has a persistant headache.

Though I know she's almost certainly okay -- no dizziness, loss of consciousness, pupils equal and reactive -- still, I don't like the feeling.

Update: She's okay. The place she got hit was the top, where the bone is thickest. No indication of intracranial bleeds, no temporal artery problems. She just needs to take some more meds to help with that headache.


Unknown said...

I'm glad she's okay.

Tabor said...

Scary stuff that. Bet you aged a little.

Cerulean Bill said...

Thank you. And yeah, just a little. Memories of people who looked fine...and then weren't.