Sunday, October 10, 2010


My daughter said at 3PM that she had 'about an hour' worth of homework to finish. Do it, we said. You'll be busy tomorrow, won't have a lot of time. Do it now.

Its now six hours later, including a break for dinner. She thinks she has 'about an hour' left.

And, I just found that Rosetta Stone will show me the answers to things it's verbally asking me to type, before I type them. I won't cheat -- be silly -- but not I won't get bagged as often by the oh, dammit, I forgot the accent mark on the E again!


Cerulean Bill said...

Me, too. My weakest point in Rosetta is writing. If its not the damn is this a male or female word? it's isn't there supposed to be an umlaut or a diacritical or a something in there? Somewhere?

Which is why I'm surprised that, by and large, I'm enjoying the separate French grammar workbook that I got at the same time. I think its because they're not keeping score.

Unknown said...

I still have the same problem judging the amount of hw I actually have to do. I guess a good rule of thumb would be at least doubling the amount of time you think something will take.

Cerulean Bill said...

You know, I used to use that rule when estimating a project at work. Odd how often it worked, too.