Thursday, February 18, 2010


I showed my daughter a note that she had written to me when she was younger. In somewhat jagged printing, it said:

I do not love you, Dad.

She couldn't believe that she'd given that to me -- or that I cherished it.


Tabor said...

That may be worth framing.

Cerulean Bill said...

Might be right. Though I think it would embarrass her.

Anonymous said...

My Daughter & I have a "thought" box.. I once wrote that I was afraid she didn't need me as much any more. She write me back, not to worry, I will always need you Mommy.. I still have it.. years later!

Cerulean Bill said...

Oh, yeah. We've noticed that in the last year, she's been less moody. Not that she ever was particularly so, but there were times.... She can still get agitated, but its almost as if its more of a grown-up thing. Which, by and large, I like.

Except that it does lead to wanting to date.....