Wednesday, February 02, 2011


Last night, I woke up around 3AM, and didn't get back to sleep until almost five. No idea why.

As I lay there, I found my thoughts turning to an article whose headline I had seen via PopURLs. The headline said it all -- Charlie Sheen is getting high on booze and drugs repeatedly, trashing hotels with prostitutes - and it's well known - publicized - yet he goes free. People with small amount of drugs go to jail, sometimes for long periods. Why is that?

My wife asked, the other day, what super-power I'd want to have -- I said teleportation, though there are several, not that I ever expect to have to choose -- and I thought that the one I wanted right that moment would be a form of mind-control, to make people see how egregiously awful this state of affairs is. To bring them to vigorously reject our culture's adulation with such scummy behavior. Once they know, I thought..... Then I thought: Perhaps many of them do know; they make great masses of money from it, though, and so they don't care. Hell, they facilitate it, want more of it. While the masses treat it as the ancient Roman citizens did the food and circuses. Which lead me to thinking about swinish bankers and brokers, and their fascination with granting themselves obscene -- truly obscene -- salaries and bonuses, awash with champagne and gilded offices. I thought that perhaps the super-power ought to be the ability to make people see themselves as others saw them.

Then I went back to sleep.

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