Thursday, September 15, 2005

The Magical Phrases

I didn't hear the president's speech -- I think I was doing something major, like eating one of the sweet rolls I baked up last week -- but let me guess what some of the magical phrases were.

"A terrible calamity has befallen our country, but we are recovering from it, and we will be the better for it."

"Some mistakes in judgment were made, as they would be in any crisis, but overall we responded forthrightly and with determination."

"My heart goes out to all of those who have seen their lives devastated by this flood. Rest assured that your government hears you and is doing all that it can for you."

"I have directed that a full accounting be made of this event so that we may learn from it, improving our responses and honing our skills. "

"We will not let this event pass without noting the efforts of all those courageous volunteers and first responders who risked their lives."

"This wouldn't have happened if we'd just drilled in the Arctic Oil Refuge."

Okay, maybe not the last one.

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