Monday, December 20, 2004

Feeling Funny

Not funny as in funny, but funny as in odd.

A little bit of that comes from looking across the farmer's fields -- he gave up on cows, as being too much work at his advanced age, and now just grows corn -- and looking at the soft blue light on the barn and silos. Its beautiful. The thing is, how often do you get the urge to say that something is beautiful? Its a funny feeling.

Most of it comes from a Washington Post article about a solder who was seriously injured in Iraq, and the slow process of healing, wondering if 'he' will ever come back -- whether his brain is damaged, too, what will his life be like. Its a good article.

And the rest comes from an article about people who go to a homeless shelter for Christmas and put on a carnival. Its a feel-good article that makes me think, as articles like that always do, that I ought to do something like that.

But what really grabs me is that for both of those articles, I know -- I know -- that in less than a week, I'll have forgotten about them.

And that makes me feel less than dirt. I can think of good, solid, reasonable reasons why, and all, but still. Less than dirt.


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