Thursday, April 08, 2010

Weird Dream

Showed up at some kind of company, not entirely sure why I was there. Met by a semi-boisterous group, all of whom seemed quite happy that I was there. Worked our way back away from the standard maze of cubicles and such into a less-regimented maze, more of a group of alleyways. Cluttered but not dirty. Finally ended up in a small room up against the outside windows. Settled into a chair surrounded on three sides by these people. One of them hushed the group, and said to me "Have you ever heard of Squeano?" with a air of Of course you have. Seemed a little surprised when I said that while I had heard of it, I wasn't sure what it was. They showed me a series of pictures, and I started to work there.

It became obvious that things were not working out. I would hear mutterings about he wasn't even involved, and still we lost six days of progress just by him walking by. One day at lunch several people, including me, got an invitation to eat in a separate room and see a presentation. We went. I started mulling over what was unique about these people, and it occurred to me that none of them -- none of us -- really entirely fitted in with the group. As we entered the room, I saw some of the people who'd met me initially standing around, watching. I went up to them and asked "Is it going to work?" They affected not to understand. "You know perfectly well what I'm saying. Will it work?" One of them nodded. "It'll work." I looked at him. "All right, then. It's worth it."

I went back into the room and the presentation began.


Tabor said...


genderist said...

I've had weird dreams the last two nights, too. Not business-related, but weird. I wonder if the moon phase has something to do with it.

Cerulean Bill said...

Heck, I just want to know what Squeano is!

Overall, it felt like I'd gotten a job I really wanted, turned out I wasn't good enough for it, so they were easing me and the others back into the general pool. Not sure what the 'worth it' was about, though.