Monday, October 15, 2007


This is turning into one of those 'every pot we have' dinners.

We have spaghetti sauce bubbling in one. Spaghetti (actually, rotini) in another. The mashed up blueberries were in a third. The cooked blueberry pasta (once it dries) in a fourth. And a pot with the amaretto sauce to go over the blueberry pasta.

I don't know if that stuff will be edible, but we had fun making it. And my daughter got to use her great-grandmother's pasta maker, too. Awesome.

1 comment:

ABW said...

Even if it wasn't good, the memories made with your daughter are priceless! We made gingerbread waffles one morning and it was a huge production to discover my kids do not like gingerbread at all! LOL They still want to make them though...