Tuesday, November 16, 2004

The Engine is Broken

I've decided that the economic engine of this country is broken. Kicked to the side, hood up, white cloth tied to the antenna. The reason for this conclusion is simple. I can't find a decent replacement for my Fry Daddy deep fryer.

There are larger ones that I could get -- about a foot square seems to be the norm -- but I don't want a larger one, I want the one I have. And to be fair, this one works just fine -- or it will, once I get the congealed mass that used to be the plastic cover out that someone left across the fryer top when it was plugged in; my, doesn't that oil get hot. All I really need is a new cover. I'll have to make one, but heck, what's the deal, some heavy-duty aluminum foil, folded over about six times, ought to do it.

But the problem is that I thought Heck, lets just get a new one. How hard can that be? eBay, Shopping.com, Froogle, JCPenney, must be loads of them. Nope. All the possible replacements are way too big. I'm not looking to fry for the multitudes, here. Besides, it has to fit into the little kitchen garage, along with the ice cream maker and the coffee maker and one or two other things. To handle those potential replacements, I'd need a double-wide kitchen garage, easy. So, no replacement. In this great land of ours, no replacement.

The engine is broken.


Kitzi said...


Kitzi said...

Keep looking.

Cerulean Bill said...

Nope, sorry, you've lost me. Not that that's all that difficult....(g) But as it turns out, we've resuscitated the fryer, the result of my partner's kitchen wizardry. Dump the oil, put in water and baking soda, let it cook for a while, then cool a bit, hey presto -- the shards peel right off. So the economic recovery's going to have to sputter along without this particular component for a while.

Though I do wish I had even a clue as to why the stock market's doing so well. I like it, but not having an idea why (can gas prices be *that* big a driver, no pun intended?) makes me question its essential robustness.

Cerulean Bill said...

True enough. I'm not much of a shopper. My attitude is get in, get it, and get out. I appreciate the info on the appliance -- though my new aluminum cover for it is quite attractive! (g)