Saturday, November 20, 2004

Blogs, And So Forth

I haven't been doing all that much blog-reading of late; the people who employ me have tumbled to the fact that I wasn't very busy, and have Take Steps to Change That. It means that days will go by without looking at blogs that interest me. So, as an excuse to go look now (exactly why I need an excuse, when it's Saturday morning, I don't really know), here's some that I have found and like:

Stacey's Shmata .... Feet First .... Motherhood Is Not For Wimps

Partial Truths .... Angineer .... Political Fictions

Adventures in Japan ...Searching for Blue Sea Glass

I'm not sure about this, but I think that what ties all of these together is that they are usually (but not always) written by accomplished women, or they're creative, or they're conservative. Perhaps all three, on occasion. Whatever, they're interesting reading.

The other day, my daughter asked what makes a word obscene, and I dithered a lot before saying that I didn't really know -- that there wasn't any objective standard. And then I told her the Beetle Bailey navel story, to illustrate (pun intended) the point. She liked it.




Roger Stevens said...

Thanks for that. You can put a little list of the blogs you like in the left hand column. Basically you copy the way the archive stuff is done. It's a bit fiddly. But not as fiddly as configuring a new PC.

Cerulean Bill said...

I'd like to put a couple of blogs there that I like, so I should learn how to do it. Its funny -- I'm a software guy, I work for a very big software company, and I consider myself handy (though not necessarily adept) around a PC, but there are things that I Just Don't Know How To Do -- and thats one of them. Maybe I'll spend some time reading the Blogger doc. Oh wait, I forgot - real systems programmes don't READ documentation....

Amy said...

Thanks for mentioning me and thanks for the list of other people to read. I've grown increasingly fascinated by the range on blogs out there, and you've singled out some that are really neat.

Cerulean Bill said...
This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.
Cerulean Bill said...

Did you know that it's not possible to just erase a comment? Reminds me of the time that my college decided to hold an open house for the parents, and there was great debate as to What To Do About The Men's John in the business school, which was rife with graffiti, and not the witty kind, either. Some said Pshaw, leave it, people expect that -- to which the reply was WHAT? You want parents to SEE THAT CRAP? And some said Well, then paint it all over -- to which the reply was WHAT? If they see a freshly painted wall, they'll think stuff that's ten times worse than anything that was there! And still others said Okay, then just paint over the worst stuff -- to which the reply was WHAT? They'll see that we only painted part of it, look at the rest, and then say My GOD! If thats what they LEFT, the stuff they painted over must have been AWFUL! Which is roughly what the 'this comment has been deleted' makes me think of -- how bad/stupid/dumb could it have been to be deleted?

Just dumb, actually. I was trying to be witty -- you know 'See? I can be witty and, too! -- and it flopped.

But as Casey Stengel said, Sometimes you win, sometimes you lose, sometimes you get rained out. But you've always got to suit up.

Or was that Aristotle?

Chantelle said...

So I'm not the only Blog Surfer! :) Good to know!

Cerulean Bill said...

No, GG, certainly not the only one. Sometimes I will just surf from blog to blog, looking around. I'm amazed by how much junk there is, but delighted by how much intelligent, thoughtful stuff there is, too.

Angie said...

Wow-I missed this post the first time around. Thanks! I don't know what else to say. :)

I also just wanted to point out Blogroll to you. I like it because I can add blogs to my list without having to edit my template and republish my blog.

Happy new year!

Angie said...

Let's try that address one more time...