Thursday, March 22, 2012


I am very fortunate to have the wife that I do.

I should just leave it at that, because that is totally accurate, but I'll continue so as to demonstrate.

After telling her that I felt like an idiot for caring about the emotional health and stability of the French girl I barely know, who, btw, got terminally pissed at me for unfriending her the second time, thereupon telling me that she absolutely didn't want to talk to me ever again -- my wife simply said "You want to help her.  It bothers you that she has low self confidence.  You couldn't know how she'd react."

Which is true.  I just wanted to help, but I was very clumsy at it, to the point where doing something to further that goal became something of an obsession with me. My wife knows me very well.

Wow, huh?  I am very fortunate.

As for the girl - well, yes, I'd still like to help her.  But I'm hoping that, like an unscratched  itch, the feelling will fade.

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