Wednesday, March 31, 2010


Well, it's over.

It wasn't too bad, especially if you like being half blind and unable to easily walk down a step or over a bump. The kids were mostly excited. One room just stood and watched me, warily; one pretty much entirely burst into tears. One little girl was spazzing out; she'd get some eggs, then swing her basket wildly, flinging them everywhere. Where'd my eggs go? My wife was there at one point; a little boy ran up to her and said The Easter Bunny!! Yes, she said, would you like to go over and say hello to him? NO!!!!

Would I do it again?


genderist said...

oooohhhh... I bet you were the cutest waskaly wabbit awound...

Cerulean Bill said...

More like the largest lumbering one.... one boy said in amazement YOU TALK!!!