Thursday, March 04, 2010


Read of a guy who said on a 'I'm a nerd' forum that he figured out where to put his coffee cup on the microwave platter so that when he heated it for a certain amount of time, the platter rotation would bring it around to the front. Makes sense to me.

The Infinite Cat Project is awesome. Just sayin'.

I picked up my Santa suit from the cleaners. It had been right at the end of the rack, easily visible. The cleaner said that several kids would be sorry I did that, since when they came in with their parents and saw it, they asked if Santa had his stuff cleaned there, and were delighted to find that it was apparently so. (The cleaner, incidentally, cleaned the suit for free. I thought that was rather nice.)

I'm not a sake drinker. Never had it at all, in fact. But I'm intrigued by this.

My wife's occasionally felt a tightness in her chest. I encouraged her to get it checked, so today she went to a cardiologist. No initial findings, but she goes back for a stress test in a week. God forbid it should occur to them to do it all at once. She's going to the same place my mother did; I regard them, generally, as essentially incompetent. I suppose it's callousness from seeing nine million elderly people.

But she's okay, so far.


genderist said...

Fingers crossed the stress test goes well. Keep us posted.

The Santa suit story was cute. I bet those kids were SUPER excited to see that!

Cerulean Bill said...

What, you don't think living with me, or working for a company that regards people as easily and quickly disposable assets, or having a teen daughter, is stress enough?

I remember when I had a treadmill test -- the guy was amazed that I had no problems at all. I was obscurely pleased by that, though I also wondered: why did you think I WOULD?

And yes, I will. Thanks.

Anonymous said...

I, too, consider most doctors incompetent.. both my Parents passed away, after receiving inadiquate treatment.. but then it's the elderly factor.. just how many times do they hear the same thing and not act on it?

Good Luck to your Wife.. prayers for her..

I bet the cleaners would have continued to "store" your Santa suit for you for free too! LOL

Cerulean Bill said...

For the longest time I had a thing about doctors. It was based on a) hating when people told me that I should do something, even though I knew they were right, or giving me bad news (I was AMAZED when the nurse practictioner I see referred to me as 'a diabetic with excellent control', or the opthamologist told me that my eyes were getting better because of that control; no one else had ever said that - and most just focus on the bad stuff) b)disliking the idea that they 'just want to practice medicine as they see fit', even though so few people get to do their own jobs as THEY see fit (the concept of 'concierge medicine' still drives me up a wall), and c) being irritated by their pay, which strikes me as amazing (though contemplating the average doc's workload, particularly in a hospital, makes me back off, contemplating the pay of a surgeon or equal specialist brings me right up again).

Writing that, I guess I STILL have a 'thing'.

And, of course, the older I get, the more I think Oh, crap, what are they going to find or say THIS time when I contemplate seeing them. They're not my pals.