Friday, January 22, 2010


My wife and I, independently, looked at her in the bright light of the laundry room and thought she looks a lot like TC.

She's awfully skinny for an 'adult cat'; they're guessing she's about a year old. Come to think of it, that was what TC looked like when we got her. And quiet, too.

She's warming up to us. Both I and my daughter each went in and brushed her fur while we talked to her. She liked that, even purring for my daughter. And she gets up and walks around us, rubbing her head on us. Marking us with her scent. As hers. This is goodness.

God help me, I'm thinking of the comment the desk clerk made -- that if we wanted a playmate for her, they've got them. And they do: in the summer, that shelter has, she said, about six hundred cats. Hmmm.....

Not yet, though. Let's ease into this.

1 comment:

Cerulean Bill said...

I think we might just do it, but not soon...say, in another year or two. Of course, considering how long it took us to get to this point, could be much longer.