Sunday, January 13, 2008

Objects of Lust

By my definition, OOLs are things I don't need, can't afford, wouldn't put to effective use if I had - - and still want.

This qualifies.


STAG said...

I found the keyboard to be a little too small for my fat blacksmith's fingers. Not quite sure how to fix that.

Cerulean Bill said...

...ah, yes, and impractical -- I should have added that!

The 4th Doctor said...

I am amazed that I am turning into my father - clueless about modern technology. Even more...I prefer the "good old days." I am getting old...I still think digital watches are a neat idea.

Cerulean Bill said...

The good old days are good for a reason. Change is not always improvement. Remember: the only person who actively welcomes change is a toll taker or a wet baby.