Sunday, September 02, 2012


This evening, I had a surprising and somewhat unpleasant experience.

Basicallly, I suggested on a Facebook page for parents of Corps of Cadets parents that perhaps some ways in which the corps operates could be improved - for example, a more supportive, less distant approach from the upperclassmen would benefit both them and the freshmen.  Three of the others jumped all over me, saying that of course everything was wonderful, this is how its always been so of course it's perfect, I just didn't understand,  and anyway if I didn't like it maybe I should just go tell the commandant.  So much for a friendly and open environment.

I quit the group.

Hours later, the experience still leaves a bad taste in my mouth. 


Anonymous said...

Don't sweat it. Groups like that are gung-ho to the system as it is. Most look at the corp with closed minds. Whatever the Corp does is the way it should be done. We don't all think that way. Going through a Military School is hard, tougher than a civilian university. Were it my daughter, I would support her. Kids don't always know what they're up against when the want or think they want something. And parenting is not always easy. On life's journey there are many paths.

Cerulean Bill said...

Intellectually, I know this. But it hurts just as much as when I was eight years old. Stupid, I know.

Anonymous said...

No, it's human nature.

Unknown said...

The military which was in Heinlein's "Starship Troopers" was very nearly the perfect military. When I was a (you would call it a tech sergeant) I patterned my leadership methods on what I read in that book. I also studied Sun Tzu and Clauswitz and got stunning results from their insights as well.

When my fellow DI's and RSO's deviated from the Heinlein model, the results were always less than optimum. The model emphasised hugely diverse and thorough academic requirements combined with a clear knowledge of the value of each individual.

Maybe its because I (and my crew) are Canadian. I had plenty of opportunity to observe other NATO forces under working conditions, and was always very impressed by the discipline of US forces (much better than ours!), but also by the poor goal orientation of their officers. They always seemed more interested in the way things were being done than in the job which needed to be done.

Remember that famous newreal scene where Gen Patton was holding court on Sicilian beach, and a group of guys in the background were wearing top hats and riding bicycles? Those guys were Canadian soldiers, and Patton was scandalized. Ike was amused...grin...and pointed out to General Crerar that as long as his men showed such great spirit, they could wear any damed cover they chose!

I noticed that the most popular reality show on Canadian TV is something called "Bomb Hunters", which follows the excitement (and sometimes sheer terror) of crews which go into old military bases and dive on old wrecks to recover and get rid of old ordinance.
Compare to the third most popular US reality show..."Sons of Guns". There is a fundamental difference in attitude here.

Watch those links, and let me know your take on this. I can tell you this for nuthin....there are no colour guards or marching bands in Canadian high schools. (ahh, there MUST, but I never heard of them!) There is ONE private military academy.
and it tends to be a last resort school for perceived underachieving boys.

Oh well. Good luck to your daughter, no doubt the experience will not hurt her, and will do wonders for her self esteem when she finally gets through it. Not it, but when.

Tabor said...

Opinion of only 4 parents. This is the problem with e-communication. It is not really communication.

Cerulean Bill said...

Yeah, I know. Its funny. My daughter just called to rant about one of the cadre members. She acknowleged that most are calm and professional....but its the idiot that sticks in her craw. Same thing here.