Thursday, May 24, 2012

Well, Well, Well

My wife didn't lose her job....but she may choose to go.

There is a possibility that HP will offer her a retirement starting in August, coupled with a very generous up-front payment of several months salary.  It's not definite.  If she takes it, she tells me that she will look for another job, though not one in the high-tech field.  Working in a candy store might do nicely.

The only downside, other than loss of income after that payment runs out, is that she's working on a massive project, and she hates the idea of abandoning them.  Having seen the effect of losing people, both on the project and on the team, she doesn't want to do that to them. But when balanced against the likelihood of being summarily laid off - well, that's a tough choice.

So things are improving, slightly.


Tabor said...

At least she has a choice!

Cerulean Bill said...

True. In fact, she was stunned by the offer. She's leaning heavily towards doing exactly that.

Unknown said...

Wow! Dodged that one!

When I was laid off it wasn't a surprise (I'd have never accused that management of being original or not-being-sheep...). What was surprising was the pay-out. It was quite generous. But... There was a list of people who were supposed to be laid off first! After three rounds of lay-offs (most of them not really necessary, but they were all the rage back then), someone realized that the people on the original list were still there. So they then laid them off! And their pay-outs, from what I heard, were pathetic.

The question I'd be asking myself is "Does HP have a future?"

Cerulean Bill said...

Probably not.

My wife just wants to keep working, not let the team down, all of that. Which is appreciated by her co-workers, but not her managers. So it's still up in the air.

genderist said...

Well, that's better news than a layoff. Gives her time to come up with a plan, too.

Angie said...

Glad to hear that she has a good option!

Cerulean Bill said...

It is a good option -- especially since our idea of planning revolves heavily around "I dunno, what do YOU want to do?"