Sunday, October 23, 2005


I've been thinking off and off, this morning, about my comments regarding Iraq and how the only likely solution is to kill everyone in sight. I recognize that's not a viable option, and not just because the borders are so porous. So I've been reframing it in my mind, thinking of it as 'what would make the Iraq experience worthwhile'. I call it the experience because it doesn't seem like a war. Wars get won. Then again, if we're not winning, and we're not keeping the enemy in check, then we must be losing. Maybe it is a war.

There are a couple of things that would make it worthwhile. One is permanent and easy access to oil. Another is a provable and serious impact to the people orchestrating terroristic activities. Thought of in that light -- without regard to the human costs, and more specifically to the American costs -- it would be worthwhile. But I still feel that it would not, could not be worth the life of my child. So while I might be willing to say it's worth the life of someone elses child, I wouldn't take it further than that. I realize thats a lousy way to look at things.

And I doubt either of those outcomes will occur, either.

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