Saturday, October 01, 2005

What if.....

Let's assume, purely for the purpose of thinking about it, that the Republican engine is starting to run out of steam. Let's also assume that in the next elections, both the Congressional and the Presidential ones, that the Democrats can put together a coherent strategy and message that's effective in acquiring votes. Finally, let's assume that the result of all of this is that the Democrats sweep back into power.

How will they ensure that they are not nailed by the same kind of missteps, bad decisions, and ethical chasms that are bedeviling the Republicans right now? Because now is the time to think about it. Now is the time to say what rules you're going to play by, possibly (probably) even to say, if only to yourself, what rules you're going to bend. Or shatter -- once you're in office again. Because its going to happen, eventually. Got to. No party stays in power forever.

I would bet that no one on the Democratic side is doing that. I would bet that the Democratic view is, whatever it takes to get back in office. We'll be pure then, you betcha. But first, we gotta get back in office.

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