Tuesday, April 05, 2005

Ketchup Philosphy


It's what makes us think that what's coming which is good is going to be really, really good, and what's coming which is bad is going to be really, really bad. Further, the good stuff is going to make our lives better, if not forever, then for a very long time, and the bad stuff is going to devastate us, plunge us down into a pit from whence it will take decades to return, if ever.

Not true.

Neither good nor bad is ever as phenomenal, or the effect as long lasting, as we think. There's a very rapid dropoff in the stimulation of a new gadget, toy, or accolade, or of a death in the family, loss of a prized possession, or failure to achieve a cherished goal. The first is good, the second is bad, but neither lasts forever. Which is why we seek excitement in the newest toys, gadgets, and possessions, and why we can go on after the loss of a loved one or the destruction of a possession.

Probably a good thing.

You may now resume hitting the end of the bottle.


Angie said...

Wow--I love it. Thanks for sharing!

Cerulean Bill said...

Thank you. Not original with me, but it resonated when I read it. It squared with my reality, my experiences. It made sense.

I'm glad you liked it.